April 14, 2009

Fashion Rx

Does anyone watch "What Not To Wear"? Good show, right? I do not watch this show as often as I would like, as I try not to subject Mark to this, but am able to sneak it in on lovely occasions, like this evening. Being a fashion enthusiast, I really enjoy the outfits, the practical style tips and the final unveiling of the newly made over formerly fashion challenged subject. It's educational (It IS on "The LEARNING Channel") and on the non-trashy end of the reality TV spectrum, serving as a good break from "For the Love of Ray J".

What I find curious is that 99% the subjects often end up balling halfway through the show, whether it is in their hotel room or in the middle of a department store, there are always waterworks. Might I ask what they are crying about? Are they crying about the $5000 dollar shopping spree in New York that they are partaking in? The free hair make over and make up consultation? Or is it the personal stylists? If anything, I would lose it at the beginning when they went through my wardrobe and threw away my favorite clothing.

I also wonder where they find some of these people (See: http://tlc.discovery.com/fansites/whatnottowear/slideshows/before-and-after/season-6-slideshow.html ). If any of you caught the episode with the girl who had an actual detachable raccoon tale as part of her wardrobe, I am sure you are thinking the same thing. I'm all about having your own sense of style, but a tail? I would also like to see these people 3 months after the makeovers...Similar to "The Bachelor: After The Final Rose". I am willing to bet this chick pulled a Jason and has the tail on again.

Also interesting to me, is the episode where Stacey and Clinton barged in on someone's wedding, and swept the couple away to be made over, at the husbands request. Could the bride have been happy about this? A- They broke up her wedding B- They told her she would have to postpone her wedding a week, fly to New York and come back to get married. C- Her groom was esentially saying, "Hey, I will marry you after you get your look together". This is one episode that the subject would have every reason to sob! The one redeeming fact is that they took the husband away to be made over too, telling him that his bride to be wasn't the only one flaunting fashion faux paus. Take a look at the poor woman and her husband: http://tlc.discovery.com/fansites/whatnottowear/slideshows/before-and-after/season-6-slideshow.html

When it comes down to it, great show. Excellent to catch a marathon on a lazy Saturday. Clinton, Stacy and Carmindy (Who is not a stripper or Madonna, yet gets away with having only one name) are also cute and loveable, making the show that much better.

Know someone you'd like to nominate (Idea: Good way to insult one of your boyfriend's ex-girlfriends):

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