December 2, 2009
Holiday Shopping Woes?
July 29, 2009
The Trials of Trading Louis for Loehmans
Let's just say I have a long history with this book. It was about 2.5 years ago when I first hopped on and ordered Bitter is the New Black fully titled Bitter is the New Black : Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass,Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office (funny without even cracking it open, no?)by Chicago native Jen Lancaster, at the recommendation of a friend. I opened it and was immediately addicted, which ironically created a problem as it encountered another addiction of mine...I took the book everywhere. Normally I would listen to my iPod on the El (Or at least put it on with the sound off so no crazy crack heads talked to me), but tossed the Pod to the side in favor of reading my new fab novel on the train. Unfortunately these good times were short lived, as I often opted for happy hour after work. Walking into the bar, the book was tucked securely in my non-zipping (I know) purse. Walking out of the bar...who the hell knows what happened to it. I lost TWO (one, not two) copies of this book. Chances are one of you readers picked up my copy on the El, in a taxi or in my front lawn (and possibly a few of my cell phones as well) and have beat me to the punch. At the time, it just wasn't mean to be.
Fast forward 2.5 years, a new purse with a zipper and add 4 months of no drinky....Which brings me to a few weeks ago, a seemingly like a good time to hop back on again and get back into the book... Mostly because I couldn't attend happy hour now without sobbing.
This cynibook is based on the life of Jen Lancaster, the author, a Chicago native who was living the good life as the Vice President of a dot com company in the early part of the decade. Jen and her boyfriend have a swanky Bucktown apartment, she spends her lesiure time at the salon, and at Neiman's and Bloomingdales and isn't afraid to tell anyone how it is (or how she sees it)...until she is laid off. The book is a cynical and hilarious look at her 2+ years of unemployment, with stories that many can relate to. It is a great look at how reality hits most at some point and the trials and tribulations of trading Fendi for Forever 21 and realizing that going from from the yuppie neighbor to the white trash neighbor can happen in the blink of an eye.
Chicago natives will love this because there are many references to Chicago bars, neighborhoods and landmarks. People who aren't in Chicago will love this because of the sheer humor and cleverness of the writing.
I HIGHLY recommend this book. If you like this blog, it is definitely for you as some similar topics are covered and the humor is similar (except she is wayyyy funnier). Plus you can get it for $5.25 used on Amazon, so skip a half of a martini (I am just jealous) and get on it!
July 28, 2009
Saving The Bachelorette

July 13, 2009
The Real Fashionistas of New Jersey

First and foremost, for those of you who did watch, tell me you don't remember Dina's Blue & Cream Alice & Olivia Hombre Rosette tube dress from "The Final Supper" ( ) ...It was a dream. In fact, when I Googled it to snatch up one of my own, it was impossible to find (*reward offered to anyone who finds this IN STOCK and sends me the link*). It may have been a travesty for Danielle to bring 'the book' to a nice dinner, but it surely was was a sin for Teresa to flip that table and run the risk of spilling anything on that fashion masterpiece!
After putting my Sherlock Hermes hat on and doing some investigating, I discovered that Dina recently launched her own website, Ina Jolie, featuring Women's and Children's clothing and accessories - . As the welcome page on the site explains, it is brand new & in the works (as the site is looking a little less than couture at this point), but I have a feeling this is one to keep an eye on because the girl has style.
Sites I am not as sure about but will still follow just to see....Housewife Caroline is also using the spotlight to launch a fashion website of her own - . This one is for toddlers, but may have some cute finds, it's hard to say since I don't know if being mildly frightening equates to being a good Internet retailer. Housewife Teresa is also using her 15 minutes to launch a website with apparel & accessories for men, women and kids I may suggest steering clear of the T's with Teresa's "memorable" quotes screen printed on them. I love the show, but you gottsta be true Jersey to sport that! The girls clothes may be cute, as her own daughter's were dressed like mini fashionistas. As you can tell, I enjoy the show, but you've gotto be true Jersey to go after one of those.
As I serach for my Real Housewives finds, check out the fiasco's and fashion of the RHofNJ, you don't want to miss this:
July 10, 2009
If You Seek Brittney

Where to begin? So much has happened while I have been away.....The Real Housewives of New Jersey, the death of the King of Pop, Lauren attending Heidi & Spencer's wedding....Where do I begin? After some deep thought sessions, I have decided to start with Brittney Spears making me realize that I am no spring chicken.
A few months back my dear friend Erica was kind enough to invite me to see Brittney on her Circus Tour. I had never been a Brittney fanatic, but I figured it would be a good show and at the very worst I would get to witness a nervous breakdown or Brit referring to some part of the female anatomy into a mic that she thinks is turned off. Well, I was very pleasantly suprised...she put on the best show I have ever seen! Was this what I was missing out on my only attending concerts with metal detectors at the door? She really put on such a fantastic show, I cannot say enough, nor can I cannot even imagine the cost....7 costume changes, amazing set changes, amazing dancers, pyrotechnics...I could go on! She looked amazing, danced amazing, and "sounded" amazing. I was even taking pictures on my phone! She made me feel like I was 16 again (thank God because that was probably the average age of the other concert goers), screaming and cheering, and it was fantastic!
Things changed after the concert. I had more Brittney on the iPod, I made frequent channel changes to E News to see what she was up to (okay, maybe I always watched it nightly, but I definitely paid much better attention !)and I was singing proudly along to my new fave song of hers on the radio..."Love me hate me say what you want about me all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to blah blah do do do", repeat. Man what a great song!
Fast forward to this week.....My sister in law enlightened me to the fact that all of my blah blah do do do's were not so innocent (no pun intended :-). She is a high school lacrosse coach, and was informed of the meaning of the song, actually entitled 'If You Seek Amy' by her players. As I'm thinking, "who is this Amy and what could be so dirty about this song?" I then proceeded to repeat "Are begging to" slooowly and boom, there is was! (For all of you that are as slow as I am, Google search "If You Seek Amy Lyrics meaning', although I am almost positive I am the only one who was unaware of this) Sure, I am getting "older" but I still have this picture of myself as knowing what is going on! Was Brittney taunting me for being too old to like her music? Did I need to change the station to Light FM, throw away my Juicy tracksuits in favor of Ann Taylor and say goodbye to any hint of youth I may have had left?
As I thought about this, I was reminded of the day back when I was younger and visiting my granny at the senior building. We ran into her friend Mildred who informed me that she was taking her young children to a Disney movie. I asked which Disney movie and she replied " Oh that one about lambs? What is it? .... Silence of the Lambs" I was quick to inform Mildred that this was hardly and Disney movie and ended up being a heroine, responsible for saving her grandkiddies from years of nightmares and therapy. Was I now Mildred???
After much thought I came up with on concluison.... I never learn. Brittney is back in Chicago September 9th and I'm about to buy tickets (after I look up ALL of her lyrics online), whether I'm too old or not. I suggest you join me! (Fast forward to me at age 50 and still shopping at Forever 21).
April 27, 2009
To Be Continued
April 21, 2009
Giddy Up!

For those of us who cannot make the trek to Churchill Downs and bet on the horse with the goofiest name, what better way to spend the day then on a pub crawl with all of your friends and friends to be. What better way to use my blog than to promote my own business endeavors?!!There is nothing like a day of drinking Mint Juleps and Miller Lite to celebrate this yearly occasion. And who doesn't love a good pub crawl to kick off summer? You will get all this and more by attending Derby Daze Chicago , the pub crawl event of the year!
Ladies, this means finding the best outfit possible, for 3 reasons. Reason 1- To avoid being one upped by the hot 19 year old (Hey...We are hosting this in the DePaul neighborhood, someone under 25 could come!!!) with her fabulous dress, big boobs and trendy hat. Reason 2- You'd don't want to miss out on the chance to win the Best Dressed contest! Reason 3 - Who doesn't love a little pub crawl make out??? (We are not responsible if the person you chose to make out with after 5 Mint Juleps ends up looking like the winner of the Derby when you sober up).
This doesn't have to be a bank breaking endeavor...I saw some great hats and dresses at Loehman's on State Street and some great hats at Target for less than $15. Also, dig a bit in your own closet. Any polka dot, floral dress or brightly colored dress with a big hat to accessorize should do the trick! If you want something special and just won the lotto, Betsey Johnson makes the most amazing Derby-Ready dresses!
Don't be a horses ass (couldn't resist), click on the link below to buy your ticket! Price includes drink specials, a chance to mingle with hot members of the opposite sex, a chance to win prizes and more!
And check out our Facebook page:
Shopping Ideas:
Fabulous Forever 21 Special - $22.80!
Cute and understated for floral/print haters:
Satin halter...Adorable with a big white hat!
Lets break the bank:
April 20, 2009
Yelp Is On The Way!!!
Another fabulous thing is that you can absolutely, ever so passively, rip into anyone/anywhere that gives you bad service. If you are anything like me and do not enjoy confrontation with strangers, and would dread asking to talk to a manager at a restaurant, Yelp is on your side. Trash the bad chicken parm that you paid $200 on the Gold Coast or the rude waiter at a whim. I know for a fact that many business owners are consulting Yelp reviews and taking note....The good ones even offer discounts to return and have a chance to prove themselves again. On the other end of things, it is a great way to give props to businesses that do a great job with a 5 star review, because they deserve it! Since I can't review Yelp on Yelp, consider this 5 stars!
If only there was a for dating....
April 16, 2009
You Sexy Minx

To me, this is minor torture. While some people enjoy a day at the nail salon, I dread it. I am addicted to the outcome, however the experience itself ranks with that of the dentist. Spending 2 hours, face to face and then face to foot, with someone I do not know is ever so awkward! I often go to the cheapest place I can find, and am ever fearful I will leave with some dreadful nail fungus that will put me in a coma. I am most uncomfortable making someone scrape dead skin off of my feet...Should anyone be subjected to such a task? I spend most of pedicure time squirming, my body jolting as if I am having a minor seizure as the pedicurist does her work, as my feet are extremely ticklish!
I may have found the remedy to my nail woes! As I was watching E News Daily (the ONLY source for important news :-) ) a few weeks back, I caught a spot on "Minx". It is a new product to the nail industry, and stars like Beyonce ( ) have quickly become fans! Essentially, it is a covering for your nail that forms to fit your nail like polish when put under heat, so no painting! Minx comes in exciting and bold patterns, so you can have nails sporting plaids, metallics, cheetah print, alligator skin..Even a nativity scene (to each their own)! Consider this the less trashy and updated version of airbrushing! ( ) . It is also said to last longer than the average manicure, which means less awkward silence!
As soon as I caught wind of this, I went straight to their website ( to see where I could go to a Chicago nail salon and get Minx-ed, only to see no one listed. I was determined, so I emailed the company who also said that there in fact, were no Chicago salons. Does no one in this city watch E!? I even flipped through Vogue yesterday and saw a feature on the product. Get with it Midwest salon owners! (Adri-You can check this out because the product actually originated in Cali, you lucky girl!)
The mission,should you choose to accept, is to get Minx into Chicago salons. This can only be accomplished with your support!!!! Mention this amazing product to your manicurist or the manager of your favorite salon and watch the fabuolous trend (yes, I am aware it will be a trend and will not take the place of the actual polish manicure, but a good one at that) take root in the Midwest!
April 15, 2009
My Husband's Itallian Wife
While some people day dream of living in London or Paris, I really actually often wish I had a Jersey accent and spent my summers on the shore in the house that Mark, who we would call by his middle name, Salvo, bought from his job in the "construction" industry. I would sport a leopard print bikini (under my Juicy tracksuit) , have huge teased hair, wear stiletto heels by the pool, and play cards with my girlfriends. After my long day, I would cook meatballs for dinner, in my Juicy tracksuit (notice the versatility?!). We would drive around in our Cadillac, we would call people "Wise Guys" and Mark would say "Fuggedaboudit" into the wee hours of the night, when I would spend a half hour before bed removing my Adriana style eye makeup.
For now, since I don't want to get off-ed and do not like the idea of my husband having girlfriends, I will stay in Chicago, wearing my Juicy tracksuit that I bought on store credit, slightly unzipped to reveal my leopard print tank top, with my huge blond hair and masses of jewelry, married to my 1/4 Italian husband who makes fantastic meatballs...Hell, if things get crazy, we might even go eat at Gene & Georgetti's.
While "researching" for this blog, I have even discovered I may not be the only one!,,345651,00.html&usg=__-tidIIVQ35hcIZQ5RVVFuOP3SmE=&h=270&w=270&sz=20&hl=en&start=234&sig2=2oi_NusxNMAfFhtuaP61_w&tbnid=tIZs2Khki5D6qM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcarmela%2Bsoprano%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D216&ei=GZfmSYr0G9j8nQfDrNGOBw
To all of you true fashionistas...FUGGEDABOUDIT.
April 14, 2009
Fashion Rx
What I find curious is that 99% the subjects often end up balling halfway through the show, whether it is in their hotel room or in the middle of a department store, there are always waterworks. Might I ask what they are crying about? Are they crying about the $5000 dollar shopping spree in New York that they are partaking in? The free hair make over and make up consultation? Or is it the personal stylists? If anything, I would lose it at the beginning when they went through my wardrobe and threw away my favorite clothing.
I also wonder where they find some of these people (See: ). If any of you caught the episode with the girl who had an actual detachable raccoon tale as part of her wardrobe, I am sure you are thinking the same thing. I'm all about having your own sense of style, but a tail? I would also like to see these people 3 months after the makeovers...Similar to "The Bachelor: After The Final Rose". I am willing to bet this chick pulled a Jason and has the tail on again.
Also interesting to me, is the episode where Stacey and Clinton barged in on someone's wedding, and swept the couple away to be made over, at the husbands request. Could the bride have been happy about this? A- They broke up her wedding B- They told her she would have to postpone her wedding a week, fly to New York and come back to get married. C- Her groom was esentially saying, "Hey, I will marry you after you get your look together". This is one episode that the subject would have every reason to sob! The one redeeming fact is that they took the husband away to be made over too, telling him that his bride to be wasn't the only one flaunting fashion faux paus. Take a look at the poor woman and her husband:
When it comes down to it, great show. Excellent to catch a marathon on a lazy Saturday. Clinton, Stacy and Carmindy (Who is not a stripper or Madonna, yet gets away with having only one name) are also cute and loveable, making the show that much better.
Know someone you'd like to nominate (Idea: Good way to insult one of your boyfriend's ex-girlfriends):
April 10, 2009
Urban Oasis
For those of you looking for a brief escape, I have an answer that will last a bit longer than those 10 blissful minutes of relaxation in the tanning bed (which I am no longer participating in since 30 is approaching like it's going out of style and I would rather not have skin looking like a Member's Only leather jacket from 1983) and that is cheaper than a trip to the Bahamas. Grab your girls and head down to 1030 North State and find your tropical oasis!
Located in the heart of the ever famous Viagra Triangle, Trader Vics Chicago ( ), which was once a staple at the Palmer House and has recently re-located and re-opened, is a tropical getaway that will make you feel like you are in the Tahiti for happy hour! Trader Vics Polynesian style interior and 5 page drink menu that boasts beverages sipped out of coconuts (try the Chi-Chi...I love it!!!) and multi colored drinks with parrots sticking out of them, you cannot go wrong! They claim to have invented the Mai Tai, and from the way theirs taste you'd better believe it!
The food is also fantastic! With a Polynesian inspired menu, the taste is definitely unique to Chicago. I love the macadamia nut mahi mahi, seared Hawaiian tuna and the filet of beef. Everything else I have sampled is fabuloso as well! The food is cooked in a woodfire stove, making the tastes a change from the norm and ever so flavorful.
Get out of the cold and let a Mai Tai warm you up!!!! This is no Dick's Last Resort...The cheese factor is definitely not in that ballpark! After all, Hef takes the Girls Next Door there, and who says non-cheesy like the Hef-ster :-)...Good enough for Kendra, good enough for you :-).
Mojito Mondays - $5 Mojitos
Mai Tai Tuesdays - $5 Mai Tais
Check out the reviews:,FOO-News-vics07.article
April 9, 2009
Vampires, Werewolves and Teenagers...Oh My!
At first it was somewhat of a secret read (by somewhat I mean totally), kept to the confines of my of my own home. Too embarassed to admit that I was reading tales of vampires and teenage love affairs, I kept my book safely tucked away in my purse on the El and other public venues. What was next? Would I be watching High School Musical and listening to Miley Cyrus? It sure felt like a slippery slope, and keeping this new obsession to myself was surely the way to go.
That is until one day I got to work and realized I wasn't the only one. One morning I heard fragments of conversations drifting over my cubicle wall including such words as "Vampire" and "Edward". Was I imaginging this? Could it be my totally normal and cool co-workers had read the books as well? My suspicions were confirmed as I walked into the lunchroom, and there sat one of my co-workers, Twilight in hand, unable to put it down. While I was only on book 1, some of them were on the 3rd in the series! Conversations about the books swirled around the office and suddenly not having read Twilight made you in the minority. I was in Twilight heaven.
I am now on the third book, and I even shelled out for hard cover because it is not available in paperback yet. If you haven't read it, try it. It will get you out of the day to day grind, and bring you back to high school days in a good way...But in this case the new girl, who isn't homecomming queen, gets the hot, mysterious guy. Not so much my high school experience. (If it was your high school experience, screw you :-) ).
Trust me on this one....You can literally get it for $4.96 used on Amazon, cheaper than a Big Mac Meal at McDonalds and it won't make you fat.
April 7, 2009
Santa's Little Helper
For those of you who are into makeup but do not want to break the bank, I am introducing you to ELF (eyes, lips, face) It was passed on to me from my mom about 6 months ago (conservative families pass on recipes and heirlooms, liberal families pass on cheap makeup sites). I promise you, it is MUCH better than Wet and Wild (I'm not a fan) or any of the other cheap brands you find at Walgreens. I use their eyeshadow, lip gloss and face shimmer on a daily basis!
Individual lip glosses, eye shadows etc. are only $1!!!! You could buy 60 of these : for the price of ONE Chanel Limited Edition lip gloss.
You can also find great, inexpensive gifts for your girlfriends!
Give it a try! It will feel like Christmas in April when you order 25 things (for $25!!!) and get the big box'o'makeup in the mail!!
April 6, 2009
Play Ball!
Short and sweet...Men, whether it's your boyfriend, husband or the hottie you made eye contact with on the El, like nothing more then a chick dressed in an outfit sporting the name or logo of their favorite team. We all know guys think about little else than sports and sex (sorry), making such outfits a killer combo! Add a Miller Lite in hand and you will have more options than the next Bachelorette before you can take your second sip! Short skirts and stiletto's don't have anything on my Cubs matching tracksuit, I swear to you.
There are a few easy rules to making this work:
1- VINTAGE = GOOD....The vintage look is hot right now for both men's and women's sports gear.
2- Beware the Alyssa Milano line "Touch". There are some cute pieces, but much borders on trash wear...The key is to make it cute without making it look trashy! For example....Here is a DON'T:
3- No men's over sized sweatshirts and nothing that is so tight it looks painted on...Make it cute and make it fit.
4- A head to toe look is killer, ie a tracksuit, but don't over do it. Stick with blues, blacks or greys..Steer clear of pink, it adds the high maintenance factor to the look...Keep it sporty
5- Don't spend money on a jersey....Baseball players get traded left and right and you look like a moron having no clue the jersey you are wearing is of someone who has been traded .
6-No Fukadome gear purchased outside of the Cubby Bear....Having a Japanese player on your team doesn't make sporting a shirt that says "Hory Cow" any less racist.
Home opener at Wrigey is next Monday so you've got time to hop on the sites below, place an order and watch how easy it is to get to first base :-)!!!
For sports other than MLB Retro sport is an awesome line, especially for Bears gear:
April 3, 2009
Waste The Last Hour Of Your Friday...
You know you've been at the grocery store checkout and the person taking your credit card says "Hey, has anyone ever told you that you look like Jennifer Aniston?" Or you've been at the bar, and the guy you are chatting it up with (who is OBVIOUSLY not trying to go home with you) says "Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Giselle?" Now you can find out if you really do!
Enjoy and have a great weekend!!!
PS Don't cry...I got Tara Reid (Who knew it could figure out that I have a tramp stamp by just looking at my face???)...It can't get much worse than that.
April 2, 2009
Hair In The City
The number of salons I have been to in my 4 years in Chicago exceeds the number of guys I dated before I found Mark (keeping in mind that I hated dating and keeping these roots blonde is like a full time job). I bounced around a few trendy downtown salons, before finding my first "long" term relationship with a Wrigleyville salon. It was small, cute and friendly, the same person cut, colored and dried my hair. I didn't feel like I was in Manhattan and I was good with that. They had some dogs...they even offered you beer with your service! How Wrigleyville and cute! I didn't LOVE my hair, but it was good enough and I was comfortable and content. My stylist was also from Michigan, we swapped tattoo stories, I even bought her a Christmas gift. I went there for a good to 2 years UNTIL I found out their dirty little secret from an ex client....They were CHARGING me for the beer! They added it on to my tab of services, with me none the wiser! How could they?! I felt cheated....It was time to move on...I didn't need a salon who needed to give their clients a buzz to love their hair.
I then went back to an "ex", which we all know never works. It was comfortable...It was a stylist that I had formerly seen, but in the past we had conflicting schedules so it hadn't worked. Maybe it would work out this time....My hair did look better, she really is great! However, I practically had to get a second job to pay for my hair...insanely high for a Northside salon. I didn't know what to do, so I stayed, avoiding the inevitable break up, convinced you had a to pay a hefty price for trendy tresses in the Chi.
And then I found "the one". Ironically, it was when I wasn't even looking for a salon (isn't that how it always happens?). I was sick of the corporate world (a nightmare which I shall blog about at a later date) and I was looking for a new job. I applied for an opening at Exsalonce, a small Roscoe Village salon and spa, and was hired. I had full intentions of staying loyal to my former stylist...until they told me about the generous employee discount! I had to at least give it a try.... From that moment, I'm telling you, my hair has never looked better. In the past I have told stylists to make my hair "big" and it's just never big enough...I left looking like I was from Dallas (not to say this is standard, for those of you who aren't into that look) and I was in love. They listened to me! There were actually stylists who know how to follow direction and don't charge your life savings for it! They have an incredible ability to see a persons style and style their hair accordingly! People of all ages, men and women, leave looking amazing! Don't even get me started on the extensions....
They are totally reasonably priced ($45-$50 for a cut, $85+ for hi-lights, $65 for single process), quick and efficient and the stylists do a FANTASTIC JOB. They give discounts for referrals, run generous promotions and treat their clients as they should be!
I will never go to another Chicago salon. Don't waste 4 years trying to find "The One" like I did.
It's not just me...Read the reviews on Yelp
March 31, 2009
The Wii Recession Workout...Too Broke For Bikram
30 days after that first class reality hit...My $30 all-you-can-Bikram-for-a-month membership was up! How quickly a month passes...So I went to the website of my Lincoln Park yoga studio to look up what my next yoga package would be only to be shocked by figures such as $15 a class (the price of a new shirt from Forever 21!)...$150 per month?! In this economy??? As a newlywed who's ever dependable credit card had been yanked from her hand (smartly) by her husband, there was no where to turn.
Bikram withdrawl was soon to follow. I said things like "Someone will get me Bikram classes as a Christmas gift, then I will go back". "I will have 3 less Miller Lites at the bar and use that money to pay for Bikram!" Unfortunately, these were empty promises to myself, and I did not feel the 105 degree warmth for the month of December or January.
Then, one fateful day in February I wandered in to a Best Buy that just happened to be down the block from my Bikram studio. I was looking for a gift to buy for my husband who I had been especially unpleasant with (OBVIOUSLY a result of lack of Bikram) when I stumbled upon the Nintendo Wii Fit. He wanted to get back into shape, he looooved the Wii and this combination was the answer. What a totally selfless gift to give my husband!Or so I thought.
Little did I know, the Wii...the video game that I despised and my husband stared at for hours on end... was the fix to my yoga deprivation. I decided to try it one day as an excuse to skip the gym. That is the day I stumbled upon Wii Fit yoga. With 15 yoga poses that an ever so encouraging trainer works you through, how can you go wrong? No one can see that I'm really not flexible, or that my downward dog is a disgrace. I roll out of bed in the morning, stumble into the living room, press a button and presto....I'm in my own personal yoga class!!!! The Wii even tracks my balance and tracks my posture on poses! I can hardly wait until the summer when it actually is 105 degrees and I have my own personal Bikram studio in the comfort of my own living room!!! I don't even have to be frightened by that first breathing exercise....
One day, the stock market will go up and I will feel the warmth of a Bikram studio. Until then....Wii fit, $100 dollars until you break it. Bikram yoga, $150 per month. Beat that Suze Orman.
March 30, 2009
The Millionaire Matchmaker??!
Patty works it...just think about what you would do with it. She tells it like it is AND she buys her wardrobe from Express with Kitson and Fred Segal right down the street. Props to her and her stylist.
Get your own...Buy one get one 50% off at Express. They work great under a blazer, button down, or a tracksuit. Wear them to the office or to cocktail hour.
And So It Begins....
This blog will be devoted to wearable, usable fashion.I work for a designer clothing line and have worked in the fashion idustry for awhile, so I know a little bit... Whether I'm posting links to great fashion pieces at great prices or talking about the most inexpensive, best brand of hair extensions, I will offer up tips to fashionistas on a budget. I also will cover other topics that are of interest to the shallow...Celeb gossip, trashy reading, pop music...The good stuff.
I live in Chicago and am from Detroit, so this won't be a pretentious, fake New York or LA blog. No Dolce & Gabbana (I love it, but have I ever owned it?) I love fashion...BUT I eat deep dish pizza as opposed to eating ice and smoking a pack a day.
Give me comments, ideas, questions...I would love to hear it all!