So the final episode of The Bachelorette was last night, from what I hear. I must confess that I did not watch this season, although I was obsessed with last season. The decision not to view was for a few reasons. #1- What could possible beat the entertainment of D-Bag Jason, the last Bachelor, crying like a school girl every 3.5 minutes and jerking around 2 girls that were way too good for him? My skeptical nature lead me to believe that this season could never compete and I would only be disappointed. #2 - Every time I did turn on the show, Jillian was making out with a different dude. I had already seen her dry humping Jason in the hot tub, does America need more of this? If I wanted to see a boring girl making out with 10 guys after a few drinks I would go down to Barleycorn on a Saturday night. #3- At the beginning it overlapped with "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here", which I will admit I became addicted to. I think seeing that in writing could be almost as embarrassing as admitting a crack addiction. #4- Pick a blonde Bachelorette already, it's been awhile. I know we get a bad rap, but I don't think we are any skankier than the brunettes that have been on the show. After all, most of us are brunettes underneath anyhow!
Since ABC did not thrill me this season (get it together, I AM your target market), I am taking it upon myself to make next season (which will be The Bachelor) more entertaining by campaigning for everyone to nominate my dear friend of 15+ years, Becky Flasck (pictured above...HECK YEAH I added a picture this week, movin on up!). For those of you that don't know her, she would be PERRRRFECT, although she is not a blonde :-) !!!!! If you are asking yourself if you have met her, you haven't, you would remember! First, I am doing this because she is really a great person that deserves a guy who has his s*it together...Although the Bachelor may not always have this quality (ie Jason), she hearts Kiptyn, who is the next Bachelor, so he must have something going on. (I am skeptical of anyone named Kiptyn, however I will trust her judgement and give her support). Second, I am doing America a favor, as Becky should have her own reality show. ABC should be paying her. If you have ever been out at a bar and witnessed "The Becky Show", you would know what I meant. She is a great girl, a total hottie and has personality plus!
With that, I leave you with the link below and encourage you to nominate her. The application literally takes about 2 minutes. While I am not posting her height, weight and address on this blog, I can be contacted at sebastian.lauren@gmail.com for this info and a picture to upload. Seriously, I know we are all busy, but do yourself a favor and stop changing your Facebook status for 2 minutes ("Lauren Sebastian...Can't wait to eat lunch!"...NO ONE CARES), shoot me an email and fill this out. Make some good TV to view when the weather gets cold!
PS - I plan to forbid her from going into the "Fantasy Suite" on live TV... A-Her dad would be disappointed aka disown her B-When I ACCIDENTALLY caught one of the "Fantasy Suite" scenes this season, Jillian had taken on of her potential mates up there and he had gotten "stage fright" (perhaps from the prospect of being sloppy thirteenths), so she just ended up looking easy and didn't even get any :-). Not worth it Beckster.
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