Let me just start off by saying that after a longer than expected hiatus, The Big Blond Hair Blog is back. For those of you who know my recent happenings, I assure you that this will not turn into the Big Blond Baby Blog, and there will be no mention of diapers, dreaded breast pumps, or the "cool" new maternity jeans I am sure to convince myself are stylish to stop from falling into fashion depression. If I ever feel the need to start talking about this, I assure you I will find a different media that will broadcast to interested parties (aka a personal journal).
Where to begin? So much has happened while I have been away.....The Real Housewives of New Jersey, the death of the King of Pop, Lauren attending Heidi & Spencer's wedding....Where do I begin? After some deep thought sessions, I have decided to start with Brittney Spears making me realize that I am no spring chicken.
A few months back my dear friend Erica was kind enough to invite me to see Brittney on her Circus Tour. I had never been a Brittney fanatic, but I figured it would be a good show and at the very worst I would get to witness a nervous breakdown or Brit referring to some part of the female anatomy into a mic that she thinks is turned off. Well, I was very pleasantly suprised...she put on the best show I have ever seen! Was this what I was missing out on my only attending concerts with metal detectors at the door? She really put on such a fantastic show, I cannot say enough, nor can I cannot even imagine the cost....7 costume changes, amazing set changes, amazing dancers, pyrotechnics...I could go on! She looked amazing, danced amazing, and "sounded" amazing. I was even taking pictures on my phone! She made me feel like I was 16 again (thank God because that was probably the average age of the other concert goers), screaming and cheering, and it was fantastic!
Things changed after the concert. I had more Brittney on the iPod, I made frequent channel changes to E News to see what she was up to (okay, maybe I always watched it nightly, but I definitely paid much better attention !)and I was singing proudly along to my new fave song of hers on the radio..."Love me hate me say what you want about me all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to blah blah do do do", repeat. Man what a great song!
Fast forward to this week.....My sister in law enlightened me to the fact that all of my blah blah do do do's were not so innocent (no pun intended :-). She is a high school lacrosse coach, and was informed of the meaning of the song, actually entitled 'If You Seek Amy' by her players. As I'm thinking, "who is this Amy and what could be so dirty about this song?" I then proceeded to repeat "Are begging to if....you....seek...Amy" slooowly and boom, there is was! (For all of you that are as slow as I am, Google search "If You Seek Amy Lyrics meaning', although I am almost positive I am the only one who was unaware of this) Sure, I am getting "older" but I still have this picture of myself as knowing what is going on! Was Brittney taunting me for being too old to like her music? Did I need to change the station to Light FM, throw away my Juicy tracksuits in favor of Ann Taylor and say goodbye to any hint of youth I may have had left?
As I thought about this, I was reminded of the day back when I was younger and visiting my granny at the senior building. We ran into her friend Mildred who informed me that she was taking her young children to a Disney movie. I asked which Disney movie and she replied " Oh that one about lambs? What is it? .... Silence of the Lambs" I was quick to inform Mildred that this was hardly and Disney movie and ended up being a heroine, responsible for saving her grandkiddies from years of nightmares and therapy. Was I now Mildred???
After much thought I came up with on concluison.... I never learn. Brittney is back in Chicago September 9th and I'm about to buy tickets (after I look up ALL of her lyrics online), whether I'm too old or not. I suggest you join me! (Fast forward to me at age 50 and still shopping at Forever 21).
Where to begin? So much has happened while I have been away.....The Real Housewives of New Jersey, the death of the King of Pop, Lauren attending Heidi & Spencer's wedding....Where do I begin? After some deep thought sessions, I have decided to start with Brittney Spears making me realize that I am no spring chicken.
A few months back my dear friend Erica was kind enough to invite me to see Brittney on her Circus Tour. I had never been a Brittney fanatic, but I figured it would be a good show and at the very worst I would get to witness a nervous breakdown or Brit referring to some part of the female anatomy into a mic that she thinks is turned off. Well, I was very pleasantly suprised...she put on the best show I have ever seen! Was this what I was missing out on my only attending concerts with metal detectors at the door? She really put on such a fantastic show, I cannot say enough, nor can I cannot even imagine the cost....7 costume changes, amazing set changes, amazing dancers, pyrotechnics...I could go on! She looked amazing, danced amazing, and "sounded" amazing. I was even taking pictures on my phone! She made me feel like I was 16 again (thank God because that was probably the average age of the other concert goers), screaming and cheering, and it was fantastic!
Things changed after the concert. I had more Brittney on the iPod, I made frequent channel changes to E News to see what she was up to (okay, maybe I always watched it nightly, but I definitely paid much better attention !)and I was singing proudly along to my new fave song of hers on the radio..."Love me hate me say what you want about me all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to blah blah do do do", repeat. Man what a great song!
Fast forward to this week.....My sister in law enlightened me to the fact that all of my blah blah do do do's were not so innocent (no pun intended :-). She is a high school lacrosse coach, and was informed of the meaning of the song, actually entitled 'If You Seek Amy' by her players. As I'm thinking, "who is this Amy and what could be so dirty about this song?" I then proceeded to repeat "Are begging to if....you....seek...Amy" slooowly and boom, there is was! (For all of you that are as slow as I am, Google search "If You Seek Amy Lyrics meaning', although I am almost positive I am the only one who was unaware of this) Sure, I am getting "older" but I still have this picture of myself as knowing what is going on! Was Brittney taunting me for being too old to like her music? Did I need to change the station to Light FM, throw away my Juicy tracksuits in favor of Ann Taylor and say goodbye to any hint of youth I may have had left?
As I thought about this, I was reminded of the day back when I was younger and visiting my granny at the senior building. We ran into her friend Mildred who informed me that she was taking her young children to a Disney movie. I asked which Disney movie and she replied " Oh that one about lambs? What is it? .... Silence of the Lambs" I was quick to inform Mildred that this was hardly and Disney movie and ended up being a heroine, responsible for saving her grandkiddies from years of nightmares and therapy. Was I now Mildred???
After much thought I came up with on concluison.... I never learn. Brittney is back in Chicago September 9th and I'm about to buy tickets (after I look up ALL of her lyrics online), whether I'm too old or not. I suggest you join me! (Fast forward to me at age 50 and still shopping at Forever 21).
an enjoyable read